Art and Social Participation Seminars

The Museo Picasso Málaga has been holding the Art and Social Participation Seminars since 2011.

Throughout their solid track record, they have addressed questions that arise from the at times-complex relationships between museums and cultural institutions and today’s globalised and diverse society. These questions that do not always have answers but require a forum for thought, dialogue and reflection.

Concepts such as inclusion, integration and participation have progressively changed over the course of the various editions of the seminar. In addition, the uses and adaptations of the terms have been tailored to the needs of today’s society, not only taking into account national realities but also building bridges with other continents such as Africa and South America.

Through seminars as well as workshops, roundtables and dialogues, topics such as the role of culture as a vehicle for social participation in vulnerable communities, cultural mediation in social improvement processes, the contribution of art as a driver of social change, museum programmes and social inclusion in terms of gender, art and memory, their involvement in the local community, and new forms of digital participation in museums, among others, will be addressed.

The Art and Social Participation Seminars are one of the lines of work and research developed by the Museo Picasso Málaga and are underpinned by commitment to an understanding of art and culture as a tool for social improvement.
