Courses and Seminars

Women, Culture and Vulnerability. VII Seminar of Art and Social Inclussion

December 14, 2017

Do museums offer specific programs to enhance social inclusion due to gender issues? Is there a duality in the discourse of cultural and artistic fields of masculine vs. feminine?. These are some of the questions that will be answered in this VII Seminar on Art and Social Inclusion. Women, Culture and Vulnerability, organized by the Museo Picasso Málaga in collaboration with Obra Social “la Caixa”, with an extremely practical nature, articulated around work sessions.


December 14, 2017




Museo Picasso Málaga Auditorium


5:00 p.m. Opening of the session

5:15 p.m. Gender, Social Exclusion and Museums
Marian López Fernández Cao, professor of Art Education at the Complutense University in Madrid

5:45p.m. Art and Museums as Spaces of Equality
María Teresa Alario Trigueros. Director of the Chair of Gender Studies, Universidad de Valladolid

6:45 p.m. Women in Contemporary Culture
María Jesús Martínez Silvente. Professor of History of Art, Universidad de Málaga.

7:15 p.m. Questions and debate

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  • ConsejeríaCultura-Patrimonio Junta-Negro

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