Avant-garde Art. 100 Years On

Online course

René Magritte, La Grande Marée, c. 1957. Gouache on paper, 26.5 × 35 cm. Private collection. © Private collection. Photo courtesy of Sotheby’s. © René Magritte, Vegap, Málaga, 2020.

Technology, cinema, fake news, Ikea, #metoo, revolution, visual culture, etc. What is the historical significance of avant-garde artistic movements? What intellectual vitality remains of them in twenty-first century cultural practices?

A little over a century ago, strong winds of change swept across the European arts. Rebellious voices and revolutionary manifestos sprang up everywhere with such vigour that the dictates of the academic norm imposed until then by the Academies of Fine Arts were overturned forever. That is how the broken images of Cubism came to be painted, and ideology overthrew aesthetics in the metropolis. Displeasure and rebellion spread across art scenes, the urgent need for an art for everyone was proclaimed, and light was shed on the dark side of creativity. Movements gave way to anti-movements, and style was in danger of self-destruction.   Six experts analyse six of the founding art movements and their particular versions of the artistic events that took place then.

Online course organised in collaboration with Fundación General de la Universidad de Málaga.


Cubismo: el arte y su doble (Cubism: art and its double)
Eugenio Carmona. Universidad de Málaga
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Vencer al sol. El lenguaje natural en el Expresionismo (Defeating the sun. Natural language in Expressionism)
Javier Arnaldo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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En la punta de la lengua. Dadá: disgusto y rebelión (On the tip of the tongue. Dada: displeasure and rebellion)
Fernando Castro. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
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Bauhaus total: enseñanza, diseño y arquitectura para la vida cotidiana (Total Bauhaus: teaching, design and architecture for everyday life)
Joaquín Medina Warmburg. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
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Las zozobras de la conciencia. Automatismo y extrañamiento en la tradición surrealista (Unease of conscience. Automatism and disorientation in Surrealist tradition)
Luis Puelles Romero. Universidad de Málaga
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La revolución feminista (The feminist revolution)
Patricia Mayayo Bost. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
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