The Walls of Málaga

October 1, 2021January 1, 2022

On the occasion of “The Paris of Brassaï. Photographs of the City Picasso Loved”

Brassaï captured on camera the urban spaces of the city on the Seine, mapping out a topography of the signs its walls, which were laden with symbolism and emotion.

In the same way Brassaï created a visual topography of Paris what was to become universal, the aim of this photography project is to construct a collective representation of the city of Málaga, generated by the photographic gaze of its inhabitants.

Coinciding with the temporary exhibition The Paris of Brassaï. Photographs of the city Picasso Loved, and as an allusion to Brassaï’s exercise of dignifying the anonymous citizen in the City of Light, the purpose of this collective photographic project is to create a choral image of the walls of Málaga, generated by the free and unconditional gaze of a significant portion of its inhabitants.

The participants will be invited to observe, explore, and think about a personal and private way of seeing the city in which they live, based on its walls, and to choose places that are meaningful to them, the anonymous observer. The selected pictures will be placed on a map that will be both shared and highly divergent. An analysis of the finished project will lead to a process of investigation that will explain how we understand a city, through the many different gazes of those who live there.

In collaboration with OMAU Málaga


October 1, 2021

January 1, 2022


According to working day


According to the program




Museo Picasso Málaga
  • Logo MPM Negro