The journey through time
Thursday, 11 March, 2021
‘The Other Museum’ activity for ‘Miquel Barceló. Metamorphosis’
To experience a journey, it is assumed you have to travel and, in most cases, it is a transformational experience. However, there are other types of journey that can be internal and not involve a temporary absence from the place you live in and consider home. One of these is the journey through books, which has always been a way to travel without moving, an internal, mental or even spiritual journey.
Museo Picasso Malaga is setting up a series of talks with booksellers and writers, in which they will talk about books that have been their references, on a journey through reading.
The Other Museum is an innovative project by Museo Picasso Málaga, involving art practice and reasoning. A space that is usually used for exhibitions has been transformed into a comfortable and safe multipurpose area.
Thursday, 11 March, 2021
4:30 pm
Museo Picasso MálagaProgramme
Enrique Consuegra, Códice bookshop. “The Kingdom of the Bidgoyo”, by Hugo Adolf Bernatzik.
Antonio Mateos, Antonio Mateos bookshop “Voyage au centre de la Terre”, by Jacques Albin-Simon.
Marta A. Neroj, La Isla Negra bookshop “Exámen de ingenios para las ciencias” by Juan Huarte de San Juan
Related Exhibition

Miquel Barceló