Guided tours

Reading Picasso. Adelfa Calvo reads texts by Pablo Picasso

Oct 28, 2023

In connection with the Museo Picasso Málaga’s 20th anniversary, as part of the I’M 20 project Málaga-born actress Adelfa Calvo brings Pablo Picasso’s voice to life in the museum galleries by reading poems and texts written by the artist over the course of his life.

In the spring of 1935, Picasso stopped painting for several months and began to write almost compulsively. It was a time of personal and artistic crisis. His poems were created in a manner similar to the automatic writing advocated by Surrealism. The handwriting is firm and imaginative and is accompanied by small illustrations.

Early in 1936, the Cahiers d’art magazine devoted a special supplement to Picasso, taking the opportunity to publish some of his texts in that issue for the first time. The cover even displays one of these poems. He writes in Spanish and French, almost without punctuation, sometimes combining both languages in the same text. There is also an article by André Breton entitled ‘Picasso the poet’.

The activities scheduled for the Museo Picasso Málaga’s 20th Anniversary include a reading of a selection of these poems and quotations by Pablo Picasso recorded throughout his life by the artist’s biographers and acquaintances.


Oct 28, 2023




First: 12:00 p.m. / Second: 1:00 p.m.


Free entry until all places filled


Museo Picasso Málaga