Courses and Seminars
International Symposium on Picasso and Russia
25April 26, 2019
The MPM Auditorium will host the second day of this symposium, which is being held in Málaga on 25th and 26th April. Its purpose is to provide an overview that ranges from Russian collections holding works by Picasso at the Pushkin and Hermitage museums, to current discourses at the State Russian Museum, amongst other points of connection.
The International Symposium on Picasso and Russia is organized by the Fundación Picasso. Museo Casa Natal; The St. Petersburg Russian Museum Collection, Málaga, and the Fundación General de la Universidad de Málaga.
This talk will be given in Russian with simultaneous translation into Spanish.
Registration is free until all places are taken, here. Attendance of this symposium earns 0.5 ECTS credits.
More information: / T. 951 953 073
This symposium is part of the Picasso and Russia program organized by Fundación Picasso, Museo Casa Natal and Fundación General de la Universidad de Málaga, with the collaboration of Museo Picasso Málaga and la Cátedra Picasso – Fundación Málaga.
Colección del Museo Ruso, San Petersburgo/Málaga
9.30 am Presentation and opening by José María Luna, director of Agencia para la Gestión para la Casa Natal de Picasso, Vladimir Gúsev, director of the Russian State Museum of St. Petersburg, and Diego Vera Jurado, general director of Fundación General de la Universidad de Málaga.
9.45 am Serguéi Schukin and his collection, André-Marc Delocque-Fourcaud Chtchoukine, President of Schukin Collection.
10.30 am Schukin, Morozov and Picasso’s reception in Russia before the revolution, Ilia Doronchenkov, Deputy Research Director of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow.
11.45 am The history of Picasso’s works in the Hermitage, Albert Kosténevich, Chief Curator of Modern European Painting at the Hermitage Museum.
12.45 pm Picasso, Ilia Ehrenburg and the USSR: the first exhibition in the Pushkin Museum (1956), Anna Klochkova, member of the Department of Cultural Projects and exhibitions of the Pushkin Museum.
4.00 pm Iliazd & Picasso, Borís Fridman, private collector and curator of Iliazd & Picasso: Pages of Art and Life.
4.45 pm The exhibition “Origins of Cubism” at the Pushkin Museum, Souria Sadékova, Head of the Department of Cultural Projects and exhibitions of the Pushkin Museum.
6.00 pm Picasso and the current Russian art, Alexander Borovsky, Director of the Contemporary Art Department of the Russian State Museum.
6.45 pm The works of Picasso of the Ludwig Museum in the Russian State Museum: local adaptation, energy, intertext, Alexey Boyko, Ph.D. in History of art; principal methodologist of the educational activity of the Russian State Museum.
7.30 pm Free visit to the exhibitions of the Colección del Museo Ruso, San Petersburgo/Málaga
Museo Picasso Málaga
4.00 pm Paris-Moscow-Malaga, a round table with José Lebrero, director of Museo Picasso Málaga, and José María Luna, director of the Fundación Picasso and the St. Petersburg Russian Museum Collection, Málaga.
4.45 pm Picasso and the Ballets Russes in Barcelona: Parade (1917), by Malén Gual, conservator, Museu Picasso Barcelona.
6.15 pm Picasso and the Russian language: the challenge of the archives, by Alexander Prokopchuk, historian and associate researcher at Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte (FABA, Brussels).
7.15 pm Beyond Olga. Picasso and the monster, by Eugenio Carmona, director of the Cátedra Picasso and professor at Universidad of Malaga.
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